Roger Waters, Dave Bidini and Moral Relativism

I don't make a habit of reading Dave Bidini, columnist for the National Post. Saturday's article caught my eye: "Dear Roger Waters or a Boys View of Pink Floyd." He appears to be enthralled with rock concerts yet at the same time a little embarrassed...

Susan Boyle and Autism

The great Scottish singer, Susan Boyle, discovered on a reality show, has been diagnosed with Asperger’s, a type of autism. One in five adults over 60 has autism. We usually associate this condition with young people. Can you imagine the difficulties these...

United Nations Human Rights Day

December 10 has been declared Human Rights Day.   This is a day for all of us in the West, in particular, to pray for those who live under autocratic, theocratic, despotic regimes who deny their citizens their humanity.   There is slavery in the 21st...

Deconstructing the “Myth of Apartheid”

Edmund Burke said "For evil to triumph it takes good people to do nothing."   These words were shared by Kenneth Meshoe, South African Member of Parliament from 1994 to 2013, President of the African Christian Democratic Party since 1994, Reverend of...

Lack of empathy for the mentally ill

Christie Blatchford has written another excellent piece on the lack of care for the mentally ill. As I have written so many times, when we need to call the police to assist with someone who is in the middle of a mental health crisis, the health care system has failed....