Collateral damage and the Chinese Virus

    Updated with a video April 6, 2020 Yes we have a PANDEMIC. Let’s take a look at the collateral damage from this Chinese virus. But first, some history. We had an epidemic in 2008, H1N1 that killed children. We didn’t shut down our countries, put people...

Donald Trump calls for more mental institutions

President Trump was asked about gun violence following the two horrific attacks in El Paso and Dayton. Any time there is a mass shooting we here about gun control. Rarely do we hear about it when individuals are murdering each other. “We’re looking at the whole gun...

Cheated by the stigma of mental illness

      I’m angry.  My doctor was commenting on the fact that I am in the last third of my life. No, I am not angry about that!  Out of nowhere it just came to me that after all these years I am angry because the stigma of mental illness kept me from...

“Mean Girls” Bullying on Social Media

  It was Marshall McLuhan who wrote the Medium is the Message. Love to hear what he would say today about the easy abuse of social media by mean girls-young and old.    McLuhan wrote in 1967 that we live in a complex system of information, physically,...