Canada’s PM Justin Traitor…  I mean Trudeau

Canada’s PM Justin Traitor…  I mean Trudeau What kind of leader terminates Parliament, governance, in the middle of a crisis? Well, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s esteemed Liberal PM, has prorogued Parliament during a time when his leadership is under question and a...

The Dilemma over Human Behaviour

A friend of mine suggested I read the book Tyranny and Revolution: Rousseau to Heidegger by Waller R Newell. I was flattered he thought I was so well educated. So many books have been written about human behavior. Dichotomy – Nature/Nurture? Combination? Something...

Toxic Masculinity: the nerve of some men!

Toxic Masculinity: the nerve of some men! For those of you who have followed me, you know I have come to love Country Western Music. It’s not just the musical notes or the sound of the voices, it’s the lyrics. Country Western truly does capture the real world....