Is Islamophobia running rampant in Toronto, Canada?

Someone please explain to me why we are sucking up to Muslims in Canada, especially in Toronto; Canada’s largest most multi-cultural city with the largest Jewish population?

My mother grew up in antisemitic Toronto and now my grandchildren are living the same life: Jew hatred but this time from Islam.

Jews in Toronto  lived through white supremacist and then Nazi Jew hatred. My mother was told to change her name when she was in high school because it was too Jewish. If she wanted work…well.

And here we are in 2025 condoning Muslim Jew hatred in Canada; in particular in Toronto. Well Islam is Nazism.

Adolf Hitler talking to Grand Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Post Oct 7.

After Muslim barbarians invaded Israel during a ceasefire and burned babies and families alive, raped and decapitated Jews for the crime of being Jewish, Toronto responded. It wasn’t pretty because it was AGAINST the Jews.

Some examples.

Jan 8, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protests on a highway overpass in Toronto are sparking backlash with Jewish leaders accusing demonstrators of deliberately targeting a prominent Jewish neighbourhood. Noah Shak, vice-president of countering antisemitism and hate at the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, says the movement of protests out of Toronto’s downtown core and closer to Jewish communities is causing ‘serious concern and fear.’

Note these protesters did not protest on public land, like the Parliament buildings or Toronto City Hall.

January 2024, police officers brought coffee and donuts to Muslims protesting against the Jews in a Jewish neighbourhood. Chief of police Myron Demkiw said at that time:

 “Let me be clear and unequivocal: our commitment to keeping our city’s Jewish community safe is unwavering. We are doing everything we can in the locations that have been targeted for demonstration to uphold and enforce the law.”


September 10 2024

Residents of the city felt targeted by protests in predominantly Jewish neighbourhoods, including on the Avenue Road and Highway 401 overpass earlier this year, which Chief of Police Myron Demkiw later explicitly prohibited. In updates to the board over the past months, Chief Demkiw has said the force has managed hundreds of protest events since Oct. 7, 2023; on April 30, he said TPS had already managed more than 650 demonstrations in that time. A few of the biggest protests, most of them during 2023, reportedly numbered as many as 20,000 to 25,000 people.

CIJA’s director of community security, Gerry Almendrades:

 “In my assessment, when we have protesters walking through Jewish neighbourhoods or going through or setting up on the Avenue Road Bridge because really demographically that is a Jewish neighbourhood, in that case, that is no longer the right for peaceful assembly. That is a now an act of intimidation.”

Hate-motivated incidents in Toronto have continued to increase, according to Toronto police, and have disproportionately targeted Jewish people and buildings in Toronto.

Deputy Chief Robert Johnson, presenting a portion of the monthly update, told the board that hate crime occurrences are up 54.9 percent over the same period last year, and that officers attend an average of five hate crime calls for service daily. “Antisemitism continues to account for more reported hate crimes than any other category,” said Johnson. “Of the 221 hate crimes so far in 2024, 44.8 per cent were antisemitic.”As of the last update, May 31, TPS had attended 1,270 suspected hate crime calls for service since Oct. 7, with an average of 159 per month. “Since Oct. 7 we have attended 1,378 hate crime [occurrence-related] calls for service.

Despite the hate for Jews, coming in particular from Muslims, Toronto police chief Myron Demkiw spoke at a mosque assuring Muslims they will help “return a sense of safety” to their community after a truck was seen with a negative comment. A truck. One truck. One event. Toronto Mayor Chow called it a “vile and Islamophobic act.” When it comes to Jew hatred, the Mayor seems to be AWOL. Mayor Chow’s tenure has been characterized by a troubling disconnect with Toronto’s Jewish community during a period marked by increased antisemitic incidents and pro-Hamas demonstrations. The Hate Crime Unit, though was sent to investigate the truck. The Police Chief is going to hold those people to account. Hmmm.  What about the Jew haters? Have they been held to account these past 17 months?


In the need to halt this Islamophobia, Haroon Siddiqui and Farhan Ali,  Muslim Liaison Officers have a podcast called ironic…Project Olive Branch, dedicated to teaching about Islam and Islamophobia. And they have a course “The Foundations of Islam and How to Combat Islamophobia.”



They start their podcast with a Muslim greeting. What? I live in Canada. We have two official languages and Arabic isn’t one of them…yet.


Seems all police officers and civilians in the police department need to take this course.


Seems these police officers need to teach how to interact with Muslims because of spreading Islamophobia. I guess this fear comes from….

Non-Muslims protesting on streets that are home to Muslims?
Non-Muslims protesting at mosques? Spray painting hate on Muslim stores? Screaming “Israel will be free from the river to the sea”  or accusing Muslims of murdering Jews on Oct 7? Perhaps burning Muslim flags?

Oh wait. It wasn’t non-Muslims protesting. It was Muslims protesting in Jewish neighborhoods, blocking roads and streets. And let us not forget University Campuses. Protesting every week against the Jews.

Seems the latest Project Olive Branch podcast was removed. Farhan and Siddiqui made a number of questionable comments, including praising the Oct. 7 2023 Hamas terror attacks for an increase in converts to Islam.

There is sick and then there is SICK.

From the Podcast

“A lot of people, after Oct. 7, started learning about Islam,” Siddiqui said in his conversation with Ali — both in full uniform and seated behind a large table emblazoned with the Toronto Police crest. In the same conversation, the pair also implied criticism of Toronto’s anti-Israel rallies constitutes “Islamophobia.” “When we have somebody labelling a certain group as something they’re not, all of the sudden now an islamophobic undertone,” Ali said.

And this is really special. Bringing people together. Seems the slaughter of more than 1,000 Jews evidently inspired mass conversions to Islam in Toronto.

“There have been a lot of ‘reverts’ through this whole process … the amount of people reverting to Islam is unbelievable, they’re educating themselves and saying ‘(why) is it that Muslims are being targeted, and why are they being targeted?’”

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw ordered a review of content and procedures to ensure inclusivity efforts maintain impartiality.

“We recognize the Jewish community’s profound pain and anguish as a result of October 7th and the ensuing rise of antisemitism. I have personally heard from the community about the impact of this podcast, and I’m truly sorry. Our commitment to protecting our Jewish communities remains unwavering.”

What a croc of poop.

So in the name of inclusivity, where is the Jewish officer explaining about Jews and Judaism? Where are the courses about the most prevalent hate in Canada and for that matter around the world- Jew hatred? I thought the police were to protect all people, no matter race, colour, creed or sexual orientation? After reading about these Muslim officers, I’m not sure I would feel safe, as a Jew, if one of the officers showed up to assist me in an emergency.

Seems we say “No” to Nazi Jew hatred but “Yes” to Muslim Jew hatred.

Which leaves me to ponder. Am I living in Canada or Iran?

From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”

Diane Weber Bederman