Lest we forget

From the Book “Burma” from the 435 Squadron

You have perished; but, Oh! Not in vain! Through your sacrifice an ideal was maintained, a cause was saved, freedom is still a reality, the dreams of your brothers and sisters, perhaps the child who will not know you, are still possible.

We who have returned and who knew you-we are grateful


Not anymore.

What kind of country devalues their veterans in favour of paying off student loans and housing illegal immigrants? What kind of country provides state delivered death to veterans as a way of taking care of them?

We have devolved.

Veterans, the men and women, who fought for freedom are not even second class in Canada and America.

How did we get to a place where military and political leaders prioritize sexuality over bravery and merit? Why does Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau spend time and money placing tampons and sanitary napkin dispensers in military men’s rooms?

Thirty days to celebrate being gay! Wow. What an accomplishment!


One day to celebrate our veterans.

Says it all.

WWII was the greatest exhibit of courage and bravery after the horrific trench wars and devastation of WWI.

My uncle Davey was in the Second World War. I loved him. He was a sweet man who came home broken. My mom told me that he was not the same when he returned. First, he received a Dear John letter, but something happened and when he got home he became a quiet drinker, never drunk; and a man who never spoke of his life in Burma where he served with the men of the 435 Squadron in support of the British Fourteenth Army in northern Burma under the East Asian Command. In Burma the squadron flew 15,681 sorties, airlifted 27,460 tons of freight, 14,000 passengers and suffered 851 casualties.

Seems the war-mongers weren’t happy with just WWII and before you knew it there was the Korean war then the war in Viet Nam that led to severe unrest in America.  Why should their young and brave be sacrificed in Viet Nam?

And then came 9/11. And Afghanistan for 20 years with a sojourn in Iraq.

We know who made money from the wars. They choose to forget who fought them.

More than  7,000 U.S. troops died in Afghanistan. Four times as many U.S. service members have died by suicide than in combat in the post-9/11 wars . There are 20,066 American service members who have been wounded in action in Afghanistan since 2001.

What kind of wounds?

That war in Afghanistan not only took lives, it took limbs and eyes and caused paralysis and PTSD from use of IEDS, a type of artillery that is used by cowards; people who have no connection to rules of war. And these men and women came home.

In America, in 2023, there was an estimated 14,873,966 disabled veterans, which is roughly 80% of the total veteran population. According to the VA, 5,417,012 disabled veterans receive service connected disability benefits between 0% and 100%. And too many were unable to access care in a timely manner, until Trump came along in America. Now, again under the Democrats,the “Department of Veterans Affairs is making it harder for veterans to get the care they are entitled to under the law.”

And, now,  illegal immigrants are more important in America than veterans.

Veterans remained homeless while illegal people are given hotel rooms and all expenses paid.  And to think, Biden decided to pay off student loans – loans taken out voluntarily and then not repaid by employing the Heroes Act, meant to pay off loans for veterans. This is unreal. Prioritizing paying off student loans, taken out voluntarily while attending school in America, and not homes for vets.

I hadn’t realized how horribly Americans vets were treated until I became aware of Tunnel to Towers. What an organization. When you watch the commercials you meet the catastrophically injured veterans and you meet their families.

“Since 9/11, we have been helping America’s heroes by providing mortgage-free homes to Gold Star and fallen first responder families with young children and by building specially-adapted smart homes for catastrophically injured veterans and first responders. We are also committed to eradicating veteran homelessness and helping America to Never Forget September 11, 2001.”

But the Democrats prefer to provide first class lodging for illegal people.

The Biden administration is paying $2.5 billion in taxpayer funds for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to house illegal migrants.

But not enough for our veterans.

This is a sickness.

And then there is #CANADUH

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau spends time and money placing tampons and sanitary napkin dispensers in military men’s rooms, while his government is fighting some Canadian veterans in court because they are asking for more than the federal government can afford!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Why are we still fighting certain veterans groups in court? Because they’re asking for more than we are able to give right now.”

So said Trudeau  answering a question from a veteran, who said he lost his leg to an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan.

Interesting. Then it as revealed that the Liberal Government allowed $105 million earmarked for Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to go unspent in the 2018-19 fiscal year.The money was left unused by VAC and sent back to the government’s general “fiscal framework,”  and the Liberals allowed more than $372 million meant for veterans to go unspent during their first three years in office.  But this same government is holding back care to veterans.  It seems the Department of National Defence is short-changing our veterans by playing around the calculation of long-term disability benefits for Canadian Forces members released after Dec. 31, 2021.

The trauma of past cost-cutting exercises is looming large as national veterans’ organizations anxiously await word on how the federal budget will affect ill and injured ex-soldiers.

The budget plan contains only one substantive mention of veterans, with a vague commitment of $156 million over five years to address long-standing delays and backlogs for those who have served in uniform.

The funding promise came at the same time as the government was directing federal departments and agencies to start looking for billions of dollars in savings, sparking questions and concerns about the budget’s real impact on veterans.

Bruce Moncur had five per cent of his brain removed following an injury suffered in 2006 during Operation Medusa in Afghanistan, one of the deadliest operations in recent Canadian history  He said “There’s a lot of frustration and futility that goes with trying to navigate through Veterans Affairs. And eventually it causes soldiers to lose hope and think about taking their lives. And it’s the triple D policy: delay, deny (and) dead veterans cost no money.”

Some brilliant person in the government figured out how to help sick and/or homeless vets. Medical assistance in death.MAID

Four — perhaps even five — Canadian military veterans were given the option of medically-assisted death (MAID) by a now-suspended Veterans Affairs Canada caseworker. Seems the veterans didn’t ask about MAID, it was just offered. Some say “there’s a need for an outside investigation.” No kidding. How did we devolve into a society where anyone would suggest that murdering our vets is health care?

This behavior falls beneath the depravity exhibited in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yet, Canada has more than enough money for “asylum” seekers. The federal government is allocating more money to help house a rising number of asylum seekers in Canada.

Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marc Miller, announced more than $362 million is being allocated to the provinces and cities struggling to cope with a rising number of refugee claimants.

Since the beginning of 2022, Canada has committed $4 billion in military assistance to Ukraine. This funding will allow Canada to deliver military assistance to Ukraine through to 2029. So, sorry, veterans, no money for you.

We have money, 1 billion each year to support the Jew hating left wing propaganda machine the CBC and enough to increase the salary of these propagandists. Between 2015 and 2023, more than $99 million was paid out in bonuses to employees at the public broadcaster, including $16 million paid to more than 1,000 employees in 2022. We have enough money for our PM, Mr. Green, to fly everywhere in his private plane to meet people who have no interest in him.


Trudeau had tax-payer money to stay with his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, in a $6,000 per night hotel suite while attending the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II. The stay at the Corinthia London hotel became the subject of public debate last fall when media honed in on the details of the $400,000 trip.

But not enough money for our veterans.

This is a sickness.

We forgot

From the fields of green, that never last.
To the great deserts, long and vast.
There were those who heard aright.
And those who shy away from a fight.
Where there are dire straits, you respond.
When solving adversity, you go above and beyond

From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”

Diane Weber Bederman