Rebecca Marino Tennis and Depression

The most depressing part of Rebecca’s story is that for the longest time she “didn’t know anyone personally who suffered from depression” so it was very scary for her. She probably knew many people with depression but no one  talked about it...

Human Rights Tribunal Needs to Go

Faith McGregor is happy with the outcome of the Human Rights Tribunal that dealt with her complaint against Omar Mahrouk that began last June.  Mr. Mahrouk is Muslim and he owns a barbershop-for men. This business allowed him to be a productive citizen in Canada...

PBS:Two Must-See Specials about Mental Illness

PBS produced a remarkable special “The Mind of a Rampage Killer” which you can access at this link: One of the most important lessons that we can teach our children is to report when they hear stories about the intention to kill; when their friends begin...

The Office of Freedom of Religion

I never thought I would feel the need to write in favour of the Office of Religious Freedom. I took my religious freedom for granted. I took my right to express my beliefs on particular subjects as inalienable as the right of others to express their opinions. Over the...