Ambrose Bierce

Cultivate a taste for distasteful truths. And…most important of all, endeavour to see things as they are,, not as they ought to be.  Ambrose...

Importance of faith groups in caring for the mentally ill

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 10-19.  The authors of the report on mental illness, Opening Eyes, Opening Minds, led by Sujitha Ratnasingham, from the Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Sciences and Public...

Why did Amanda Todd Die?

Amanda Todd, a fifteen year old girl from B.C. killed herself.  She was being bullied. The response from the government is the need for more education-regarding bullying. I agree. Take aim at the bullies. Charge them with criminal offences whenever possible....

Charles Darwin

I cannot think that the world, as we see it, is the result of chance; and yet I cannot look at each separate thing as the result of design. Charles...

Selfishness of assited-suicide

Just one more day…   I recently watched the end of the 2001 movie, Artificial Intelligence, which I haven’t seen its release.  The time is the 22nd century. Monica and Henry have a child, Martin, who has an incurable disease so he is placed in...