Racism:alive and flourishing in the United States

The election of Barack Obama in 2008 was an extraordinary event in American history. A black man as the leader of a country that had fought a war over the enslavement of black people. As extraordinary as it was, it also unleashed latent racism that had been hiding...

Song of the Soul

All creation throbs with an upward surge of spiritual impulses, seeking to find their way to the divine source. The universal yearning for the nearness to God can be heard time to time  from snatches from the symphony of creation. Song is the articulation of the...

Baal Shem

Even if one has stumbled into sin, he should not give way to sadness, which negates the value of anything he might do, but let him confine his regrets to the sinful act and return in joy to the service of the Creator.  Baal...

John McCrae

We  are Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields. John...

Condoms-the silver lining

We need to come together and rethink the meaning of “Choose life for you and your seed.”  We need to think of condoms as disease preventives rather than as contraception. We need to think about the diseases we can reduce and perhaps eliminate with the use of...