Mental illness meets fundamentalism

In the November/December issue of Convivium Richard Bastien responded to a columnist, Michael Dent Tandt who writes from a liberal perspective. Mr. Bastien does not seem to embrace those of us who are religious.  Mr. Bastian wrote: “However, there is a good deal...

The Imposter Bride

This book is set in Montreal after the Second World War but takes us back into the past, into the war and then forward to the present. It is the story of women, with minor roles played by men. It is the story of many different ways we can survive  horrible times...

Why ? There is no motive for the Sandy Hook murders

Adam Lanza: He, too is someone’s child. Another preventable calamity. This time blamed on bullets, not bullies. Children murdered for no reason. We can research the killer, speak to his family and friends, search for words written on-line, in a journal, perhaps...