Time to go Back to the Ethic

In 2011 George Jonas wrote in the National Post, “Don’t let Western civilization—the best and most humane form of civilization developed by mankind—perish by default.”  I saved that quote. And today it is one of the most important...

Canada is Proudly Open to all Ethnicites

I took umbrage with the underlying thesis Erna Paris expressed in her Globe and Mail article about our attitude toward Syrian refugees “Let’s not cave to fear in 2016.”  After the shame of None is too Many that embraced Canada during...

I Have Been Radicalized!

I confess. I have been radicalized! I am a radicalized westerner. I am a staunch supporter of the morals, values and ethics that underpin my country, Canada; ethical monotheism-the Judeo/Christian ethic that tells us we are all intrinsically equal and must care for...

Does a Fetus Have the Protection of Human Rights?

My partner’s son and wife just gave birth to a beautiful little boy. And I mean little! He is 3 pounds. And two months too early. It seems the mommy’s womb was not a big enough room for their little fellow. He had to move. The parents knew early on that...