The recently released “Report on Antisemitic Activity in 2015 at US Colleges and Universities With the Largest Jewish Undergraduate Populations” is the “first empirical study of its kind,” showing that “the primary agents of anti-Semitic activity are anti-Zionist students and faculty boycotters.” And “The strongest predictor of anti-Jewish hostility on campus” is the local presence of a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. Algemeiner, March 14, 2016

And we have proof of this in our universities in Canada-including the smaller ones like Oshawa based University of Ontario Institute of Technology’s (UOIT). Their student association banned Hasbara Fellowships from promoting’ “Israel Peace Week” during “Social Justice Week” at the university. According to Denise Martins, executive assistant of UOIT’s faculty association,—the student association passed a motion endorsing the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in January, and because Hasbara Fellowships “seems closely tied to the State of Israel… it would be against the motion to provide any type of resources to your organization.”

Being tied to Israel is now a “crime” in Canada?

How many Jews so you think live on Oshawa or attend that university? Yet, the university in the name of …what? refuses to allow a recognized Jewish organization from talking about Israel at “Social Justice Week.”

I sent an email to the powers that be at this “university” ~

…and did not hear back.


I wrote: “The irony of denying a Jewish organization a place at the “table” on “Social Justice Week” is too much. The Jewish people brought social justice into the weltanschauung and your school is denying Jews the right to participate. It is Orwell and Alice in Wonderland at one time.”


I didn’t receive a response. As a journalist their silence speaks volumes to me. It means that the university has no factual basis for doing this. They have no response because there is none. But they sit at the public trough. By funding this university isn’t Ontario guilty of discrimination against the Jewish people?

Hasbara Fellowships is an advocacy group for Israel. Think about this. Israel needs world-wide advocates. It is the only country of which I am aware that requires advocates to protect and defend students on campus from attack or even needs students to defend the right of a country to exist.

Now follow the logic here at a “university” in Oshawa. Parents pay no small amount of money for their children to receive an education-not propaganda: An education that teaches these future leaders the art of critical thinking, the ability to come to conclusions based on facts-not feelings and not regurgitate the beliefs of their professors. And their children are attending a Canadian university that supposedly promotes tolerance, inclusion and accommodation but allows the student association to promote hate for a sister democracy-in the name of “respectful dialogue, dissent and discourse.”

I decided to reach out to the Student Association President at Who is this person with no name? Male? Female? That speaks volumes too. It speaks to a coward/bully.

wrote “I assume you have no Chinese represented at your Social Justice Week as the Chinese are illegally occupying Tibet. And I assume you have lodged complaints about the Buddhists of Myanmar for ethnically cleansing the Muslims of Rakhine province.  I also assume you refuse Turkey a place for occupying Cyprus. Then, of course, you must befurious about what is happening in Africa, particularly in Sudan where Muslims are abducting Christians from the south and bringing them north to be enslaved.  And let us not forget Qatar where migrants are brought into the country to build the FIFA infrastructure, their passports taken away and worked until they die.


SAPres responded: “The facts are indisputably: the military occupation of Palestine is illegal and so is the expansion of illegal settlements. This is consistent with international law.” And “The actions of his organization were not anti-Semitic.” Right.

Seven billion people in the world and 6 million of them are Jews in the Jewish homeland where the Arabs, under International Law are occupiers and the “university” wants to bash the only democratic state in the area. There are 22 or 23 Muslim states-Jew free by law-where Christians are being crucified, Yazidis are being pillaged and raped, the world ( not Canada under Trudeau) finally calling the action by these Muslims a genocide and this person is attacking Israel-the only state in the area where Muslims not only have civil rights-they have human rights. And that isn’t anti-Semitism.

UOIT responded to the controversy with a statement posted on its website March 14 that said the university supports “respectful dialogue, dissent and discourse. This includes supporting freedom of speech and encouraging an inclusive, diverse and safe environment on campus. UOIT does not support a boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel [sic]… It is our hope that these expressions of concern will encourage the broadest range of participation and respectful dialogue at future events.”

This is what is called education, today. Lies and deceits passing for facts. False narratives spread so easily-because it is about the Jews. Gays hanged from cranes or tossed off buildings, people burned alive, drowned in cages, women stoned to death, acid thrown in their faces, noses cut off and Oshawa and this nameless coward defending the right to stop Hasbara Fellowships from introducing students to the real Israel.

This is Canada.