Bestial Barbarians and Muslim Monsters

Bestial Barbarians and Muslim Monsters “The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, and the rock or a tree will say: ‘Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and...

Black Lives Matter. But Jewish Lives Don’t

The attack by Hamas in Israel led to the greatest number of Jews murdered on one day since the Holocaust.  A 9/11 moment. Yet, we have groups like BLM standing with Hamas. Does BLM know that there are thousands of BLACK Jews in Israel? Black Jews, 14,300 of them, were...

AMALEK IS BACK: Islam is Nazism 2.0

AMALEK IS BACK: Islam is Nazism 2.0   TODAY Fatah: “Strike the sons of apes of pigs… slaughter everyone who is Israeli” Get ready to strike them and to burn them, slaughter them. Set out, all of you, with your weapons…. “Today is a tiding of days of...