I read the Bible for stories about human nature. And I read the Bible because it is the book that describes ethical monotheism, the ethic upon which all of  western culture is founded, Ethical monotheism, the Judeo-Christian ethic is the rock upon which democracy sits.Secularists, humanists and atheists complain about religion, but the freedoms they take for granted come from ethical monotheism.

I write about ethical monotheism in Religion in the Public Square and Mind and Soul.  I read  several different Bibles. The New Jerusalem Bible is the Catholic edition and comes with great notes and historical explanations. I also have The King James Bible and several Jewish editions. There are times when I look for something specific and others, I just open the book. I like the Wisdom writings the best.The Bible is best appreciated when you read books about the Bible. They will be on the site as well.