Mar 7, 2013 | Mental Health
This is a link to a brief overview of CAMH the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada. A good place to start when looking for...
Feb 24, 2013 | Mental Health
The most depressing part of Rebecca’s story is that for the longest time she “didn’t know anyone personally who suffered from depression” so it was very scary for her. She probably knew many people with depression but no one talked about it...
Feb 22, 2013 | Mental Health
PBS produced a remarkable special “The Mind of a Rampage Killer” which you can access at this link: One of the most important lessons that we can teach our children is to report when they hear stories about the intention to kill; when their friends begin...
Feb 18, 2013 | Mental Health
When I first wrote about my mental illness in Convivium magazine, in letters published in the newspapers, and broadcast my radio series, “The Many Voices of Mental Illness,” I was told that I was brave as if “coming out” would be self-destructive. But, that is the...
Jan 29, 2013 | Mental Health
Mental illness afflicts more than 20% of our population; seven million Canadians from all walks of life; rich, poor, young, old, educated, illiterate, all races, colours and creeds. In Canada there are more than 350,000 people with schizophrenia and as many with...
Jan 26, 2013 | Mental Health
Serena Ryder has been singing professionally since she was 10 years old, has three Juno awards, two gold albums, and depression. She recently experienced a major bout of clinical depression. Her description of her depression is like so many others of us who have been...