Nov 24, 2014 | Mental Health
The other night I came across the 1986 movie “Sword of Gideon,” Israel’s response to the Munich Massacre, 1972. It was written by Canadian George Jonas, now a respected columnist in Canada. I was taken by the last words in the movie. “Nonetheless terrorism has...
Nov 4, 2014 | Mental Health
Here is a link to an article about schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a Chronic Terror Syndrome, Not Genetic: by By Bertram P Karon PhD I leave you to come to your own conclusions. Here is an excerpt but please read the entire article. If nothing else it will give...
Oct 25, 2014 | Mental Health
In one fell swoop, editorialists in the Globe and Mail re-stigmatized the millions of us in this country with mental illness (mine is anxiety/depression) by suggesting that the two terrorists who targeted our soldiers were really just mentally ill. The editorial...
Aug 15, 2014 | Mental Health
“So don’t be frightened, dear friend, if a sadness confronts you larger than any you have ever known, casting its shadow over all you do. You must think that something is happening within you, and remember that life has not forgotten you; it holds you in...
Aug 12, 2014 | Mental Health
I received this link from a reader, Laura Chapman. She has compiled a wonderful guide about obsessive compulsive...
Jul 30, 2014 | Mental Health
One year ago Sammy Yatim was on a bus, alone, when he was shot by a member of the Toronto Police force, one bullet after another after another. At the same time, a police officer had entered the back of the bus, behind Sammy and used his Taser to zap Sammy, after he...