Feb 17, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Antisemitism is sky rocketing from the right, and more importantly, from the left.Common ground between two extremes. Jew hatred is rising in Europe. Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University concludes that “Europe’s...
Jan 31, 2019 | Ethics, Religion / Spirituality
“One may not go beyond a certain limit; to live is good, to want to live is human, but not at the expense of another’s death.” ~ Elie Wiesel: Messengers of God I remember when abortion was made legal. There were restrictions, but at least we could say...
Jan 29, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
I have read the comments of four Muslim leaders regarding Jawed Anwar’s Islamic Party of Ontario. I am sharing them with you so you can decide for yourself: Is Sharia Law a poisonous idea? Mohammed Hashim is a Founding Advisor of Progress Toronto, a Senior...
Jan 27, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
So, democracy, in no terms, is compatible with Islam ~ Muhammad Mustafa Mustaan Islam is far more than a religion. Islam is a culture. A patient culture. Islam as an ideology/culture once colonized most of Europe and North Africa-the first...
Jan 24, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
B’nai Brith Canada, one of Canada’s most important Jewish agencies, shared the fact that 2017, the last year of an anti-Semitic audit, was the worst year in Canada for Jew hating incidents. B’nai Brith Canada’s Annual Audit of Antisemitic...
Jan 22, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
I have read comments made by Imams in Canada and around the world. It seems there is no prohibition against insulting the West, insulting our way of life, in our own homes. But in the West, Muslims with the help of Progressives, have promoted the concept of...