When my mother was getting on in years (She lived to see 90 and three great grandchildren) she said to me that she was glad that she was closer to death-she would not have to live to see the next generation!  I must be getting on in years, too, because I can’t imagine what the West will look like in years to come. I have been listening to the comments and opinions expressed by and about the Millennials and the Snowflakes-yes you heard right-the latest generation has been labelled Snowflakes.

I have trouble with the names of the different generations, so I looked them up. ”Millennials (also known as Generation Y, Generation Me and Echo Boomers) are the demographic cohort following Generation X, a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000.” And “Generation Snowflake, or Snowflake Generation, is a term that refers to young people, typically university or college students, who seek to avoid emotionally charged topics or dissenting ideas and opinions.”

Safe spaces, whiners and wusses

Both groups strike me as whiners and wusses. They require safe spaces and places-sometimes their parents’ basements.Students at the University of California, Berkeley are calling for “safe spaces” for transgendered people, as well as “spaces of color” at the University. People of colour-POC-want non-white social events at Emory.  Emory’s interim director for Multicultural Programs, says these events “will hopefully manifest into a series of annual gatherings.”  Does this interim Director know the meaning of multicultural?

Can you imagine what is going through the mind of Martin Luther King Jr. looking down upon his America?  The man who called out to all Americans, “Let freedom ring!”

While the world is on fire, Russia flexing her muscle; Iran funding terrorism around the world thanks to the American led Iran Deal, terrorists dictating our lives, our movements, our basic freedoms; millions of people running from war triggered and fuelled by Muslim tribal warfare; girls kidnapped and sold as sex slaves, the Yazidis ethnically cleansed; drug cartels selling their goods and killing each other, the murder of children in inner cities, an education system that is good for everyone but those who need it the most-inner city children; and their lives, the lives of the Snowflakes revolve around finding reasons for being offended.

Now it’s Halloween. Those scary costumes-uh-uh. Not allowed. Verboten. Universities will have mental health therapists available for any trauma that results from seeing a scary costume or one that is politically incorrect as decided by the Snowflakes themselves. I have a mental illness. I am on the list to see a psychiatrist-been on it four months-and hope to see someone in two more. Isn’t it good to know that these “young adults” can receive instant help if their feelings are hurt by a COSTUME!

Freedom must be learned and earned

I tell my grandchildren when they get scared at the stores decked out for Halloween that these are just costumes. Not to be afraid.  No therapy for them. Grimms Fairy Tales were read for a reason. To help children with illogical fear. But we stopped reading them because they might scare the little people!

Not enough to be upset about COSTUMES, the Snowflakes have their knickers in a knot over pronouns. No longer he/she. Not for the Snowflakes. They want to pick their own pronoun and then hold their professors to remember their titles because he/she is just not good enough anymore. They think “they” is a good pronoun. Let me think; 98% of the population are aware of their gender so all of us should be called “they” to accommodate 2%?

What I find most disturbing, if not disgusting, is that these Snowflakes, and sadly their previous cohort, the Millennials, seem to be oblivious to the fact that millions of people died for their freedoms-even the freedom to whine. From the Civil war to WWI,” the war to end all wars,” which led to WWII, and then more recently, the failed attempt to impose freedom on others from the top down (only to learn that freedom comes from the bottom up, that freedom must be learned and earned, something taught in the story of Exodus), these wars were fought to protect and defend democracy for the future generations.

Our Millennials and Snowflakes, two successive generations, have been born into and given freedom as a gift served on a gold-plated platter, blessing upon blessing out of the sweat and blood of so many. None of their blood was shed to protect and defend their rights and freedoms-which they were not taught come with responsibilities. They use their precious freedom of speech to complain about the inane. But this is not enough. No, they want Free-everything: health care, university education -for which their parents and grandparents worked hard to obtain, nothing taken for granted.

God save us all from Free Dumb

Free university education? The one that offers gender studies? The one that has turned them into whining, arrogant, entitled wusses, incapable of handling a bruised knee let alone hurt feelings. An education that does not prepare them to deal with failure or loss but protects them in bubble wrap in the hope they won’t melt before their four years are up?

These Snowflakes can’t seem to run fast enough toward those offering “FREE.” As if “free” did not come with long, thick, twisted strings-unbearable future debt. But why think about that when they can get stuff for “free!”

We are witnessing the development of generations of self-absorbed citizens with grandiose infantile delusions of entitlement to whom we will pass on our cherished freedoms in the expectation that they will protect and defend them and pass them forward. That no one took the time to teach them the history of these freedoms makes this responsibility more daunting.

And they are voting.

God save us all from Free Dumb.

Originally posted  http://canadafreepress.com/article/its-all-about-free-dumb#

From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”