I just returned from our Remembrance Day Memorial in rural Ontario. The Cenotaph reads:In memory of our boys who died in war. BOYS. They were boys who died so we could be free. Free to express our free-will; refusing to submit to the will of others. Acknowledging that we are all born with equal values -no one group superior to another-by birth or declaration.


Yet, here we are in 2016 facing an Ideology, an enemy, who wants to take away our birthright-the birthright of equality and take away our free-will, preaching Submission. And we are submitting to that enemy. We are telling ourselves that tolerance, accommodation, inclusion and diversity demand of us that we welcome into our homes people who want nothing of our way of life, our hard fought for freedoms. That those of us who question inviting the enemy within are called racists and fascists and xenophobes.


No. We are honouring the millions who died so we would not have to submit to foreign rulers,their autocracy, theocracy, despotism. We are honouring the millions who died so we would not have give up our free-will or be treated as second class citizens. We are in a time when we are once again facing a clash of Cultures-not religions. It is Islam versus Democracy. There is no middle ground between those who preach supremacy and submission and those who preach equality and free will.


Let us Never Forget.