There is much talk about media in bed with government. Media bias. There was a time when the Government in America and Canada worked with the media to make changes in behaviour.


During World War II millions of men went to war. Traditionally, men had gone to work and women stayed home raising families, keeping the home fires burning. But with the advent of war and the need for men to go to war, women had to be encouraged to go to work –two jobs-raising their families and working-not just for an income- but to build the armaments needed for the  troops and keep the economy running. Along came “Rosie the Riveter.” An idea developed by the government and promoted through the media.


“Rosie the Riveter,” star of a government campaign aimed at recruiting female workers for the munitions industry, became perhaps the most iconic image of working women during the war.” 


In 1944 the Saturday Evening Post illustrated this emphasis on temporary workers.  The ADEL company needed employees.  “In the advertisement, a mother is pictured in overalls leaning on her bike before she leaves for work. Her daughter is pictured in a similar outfit and asks, “Mother, when will you stay home again?” Above the image a statement reads, “Some jubilant day mother will stay home again, doing the job she likes best—making a home for you and daddy…Meanwhile she’s learning the vital importance of precision in equipment made by ADEL.”


The campaign was a huge success and those who still study history instead of gender politics will have had the pleasure of learning about Rosie.  After the war, the government needed to make room for the millions of GI’s returning home and needing work. So the propaganda changed, with government and media working together again, encouraging women to return home to take care of their families. 


Magazines began picturing suburban life and large families. I remember in my studies seeing a picture in Chatelaine of a well-dressed woman, a mother, standing at the door with a drink in her hand ready to welcome her husband home from a long day at work. The message was clear. Women back home with children and men at work. The traditional family.


It worked for a while. But that is another subject for another day.


We are under intense propaganda again today. But it is different. It is media in cahoots with democratic/liberal /Progressive aspirations. There is a desire on the part of the left, supported by people like George Soros,  to open the borders of all countries and push globalization of trade, and allow unfettered immigration.


We have witnessed the damage done in Europe from globalization, open borders and the attempts to assimilate or acculturate a people whose ideology, values are diametrically opposed to Western values-and yes there are immutable western values. For those who pay attention to media in Europe we saw the media working with the various governments to tamp down the truth about the Muslim refugees and the damage they have done to cities and the assaults against women. This was damage control to prevent open discussion about open borders and unvetted refugees and immigrants.


The truth, though, led to Brexit.


The same phenomenon is happening in Canada and America. Our media elites are working with the Progressives to send out the message that only racists, xenophobes, fear-mongering Islamophobes are against globalization, open borders, Muslim immigration into the West and a new world order as described by President Obama at his swan song at the UN. ”We can only realize the promise of this institution’s founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations like my own accept constraints. I’m convinced in the long run giving up some freedom of action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests but binding ourselves to international rules, over the long-term, enhances our security.”


We have media outlets working with the democratic candidate in the USA to ensure she looks good, and push her over the electoral line. WikiLeaks has provided emails that show Hillary was given advance notice of question for debates, that the NY Times, amongst others, would make sure she looked good.

CNBC correspondent and New York Times contributorJohn Harwood, who served as a moderator in one of the Republican primary debates, emailed Podesta numerous time” and “New York Times reporter, Mark Leibovich, emailed Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri several chunks of an interview he did with Clinton, and seemingly asked permission for the “option to use the following” portions. And “Clinton traveling press secretary Nick Merrill joked that CNN Politics Producer Dan Merica and Clinton were "basically courting each other at this point;” and “The Boston Globe appeared to be conspiring with Clinton’s campaign to maximize her “presence” during her primary race against Sanders in one of the alleged emails. In the email from Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s op-ed editor, Podesta is asked if the Clinton campaign was still set to submit an op-ed. Pritchard went on to offer advice about how the campaign could get maximum benefit by syncing up with the Globe’s regular reporting;” and “Clinton aide Christina Reynolds is congratulated in a 2008 email for “single handedly” convincing a Washington Post reporter to pursue a story about Cindy McCain, Arizona Sen. John McCain’s wife. Democratic operative Paul Begala wrote back, “This is truly outstanding! Great work!”


American media are supporting Hillary by suppressing facts about her corruption revealed by WikiLeaksand spending time on Trump’s lewd comments.


“If average voters turned on the TV for five minutes this week, chances are they know that Donald Trump made lewd remarks a decade ago and now stands accused of groping women.


But even if average voters had the TV on 24/7, they still probably haven’t heard the news about Hillary Clinton: That the nation now has proof of pretty much everything she has been accused of.” 


Are there more examples of media bias? Does it matter? There is an immoral, unethical relationship between the media and the left wing candidate, Hillary Clinton. And the media, working with the Clinton machine-released a tape and then interviews, perhaps fabrications that turned the serious conversation from issues to the behaviour of Trump; as if Hillary had clean hands or her husband Bill had not raped and assaulted women while in the White House.


I think I may be coming down with “conspiracyitis” but Billy Bush worked on Access Hollywood for NBC. The tape is from 2005. In May 2016 Bishop is courted by NBC for a top spot on the Today Show.  Not too shabby. And the tape is released in October and now Bishop has lost his job but he is leaving with a  handsome golden handshake. Hmmm 


I have written many times that “journalists” today are not only unethical in their reportage, but also the way they edit their reports to slant them to one side or intentionally leave out information that should have been shared.


Without an ethical media voters are not given the opportunity to freely elect their representatives. Democracy means one person/one vote. Hundreds of millions of people cannot hear each candidate. They rely on the media to share the truth, the facts without bias, as difficult as that may be. But it is a requirement for a fully functioning democracy. This election has been fixed, rigged by the media working with the Democratic Party to ensure that the truth about Hillary is hidden and that dirt is spread over the Republican candidate.


I fear for America and as a Canadian I fear for my country. It is not the place of the media and big business and government to come together and tell us, the little people, what to think based on their beliefs by abusing their position. This is type of propaganda takes place in banana republics.