Oh Canada;when did you become the home of #whitetrash?

    How can I not be proud to be Canadian? We live in a country that promotes inclusivity. We value tolerance, and accommodation for all. We are a country that proudly welcomes immigrants and refugees from all over the world.  Our PM is so serious about this...

Trump/Corbyn: Will the real Antisemite please stand up?

  During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes revolutionary: George Orwell.   I recently read this article :Trump and other politicians empower anti-Semitism in Canada, says Liberal MP. On November 7, 2018, PM Trudeau apologized to the Jewish...

Border control in the 21st century

Border control is on the front page. This is not about legal immigration. America just tied its all-time record for new immigration. This is about the thousands of people trying to enter the USA, illegally, from her Southern border, with the hearty approval of the...