Jan 27, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
So, democracy, in no terms, is compatible with Islam ~ Muhammad Mustafa Mustaan Islam is far more than a religion. Islam is a culture. A patient culture. Islam as an ideology/culture once colonized most of Europe and North Africa-the first...
Jan 18, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Is it time to repeal Islamophobia; the fear of saying something negative about Islam? We have no qualms criticizing Christianity and no problems attacking Judaism. I doubt anyone has been called racist for critiquing Buddhists or Confucianism, or made to feel...
Jan 15, 2019 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated unequivocally that Islam is compatible with the west. Or as he puts it “Islam is not incompatible with the West.” Well, what does the Imam say about marriage? Aly Hindy, serves as the imam at the...
Dec 17, 2018 | Ethics, Politics
How can I not be proud to be Canadian? We live in a country that promotes inclusivity. We value tolerance, and accommodation for all. We are a country that proudly welcomes immigrants and refugees from all over the world. Our PM is so serious about this...