Aug 31, 2018 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
The Muslim world recently celebrated the Festival of Sacrifice. Eid al-Adha is the second and most important of the two Eid festivals. In the Hebrew Bible Abraham is called upon to sacrifice Isaac. At the last moment Abraham’s hand is stayed and he finds a ram...
Aug 29, 2018 | News, Politics, Religion / Spirituality
There have been repeated attempts by pundits, politicians and professors to turn terrorists into people with a mental illness. Where is their concern for the millions of us who live with mental illness? Now we have to contend with people wondering if we will...
Aug 24, 2018 | News, Politics
Many well-intentioned Western politicians, human rights advocates, church leaders and journalists have turned Islam into the one and only ideology that must never be criticized, and have called anyone who so much as comments on some of the precepts of Islam as...
Aug 10, 2018 | Ethics, News
I have been writing a series of articles about a four-page article, October 22, 2017 by the Toronto Star, dedicated to an attempt to exonerate Ayman Elkasrawy, an imam at “Masjid Toronto” mosque, from anti-Jewish and anti-infidel prayers during Ramadan 2016. The...