I was in New York for the Inauguration weekend. I met a woman, in her 40’s, well educated, and well-off and after years of living in America she finally had become a citizen. So proud. And in 2016 she voted in her first election. For Hillary. The whole family wore I’m with Her T-Shirts.

Well Hillary didn’t win. Did this woman count her blessings, including the blessing of her right to vote (a right denied to millions of people, particularly women, living in other countries around the world) for which she worked so hard? No.

She was not going to let those who had respected America’s choice of Obama celebrate the victory of their choice, Donald Trump. No way. If Hillary didn’t win, then no one was going to celebrate. They were not entitled to celebrate because the election results were all about her-her needs. Her feelings. Her hurt and anger. “All about Me.

If she couldn’t celebrate then the millions a upon millions of men and women who waited so long for a candidate that understood them weren’t going to be allowed to bask in the glory of their victory. Instead of thinking, well in 2 years we can vote, and then vote again in two more for another President, she went on a tirade.She wasn’t going to accept the peaceful transfer of power, the idea that one respects the office of the President even if one does not respect the President. After all, Trump lost the popular vote.

This is the New America.

In Canada our last two Prime Ministers became the leader of the government by winning 35.9 % of the popular vote. They both won-a Conservative and then a Liberal with almost the exact same number. But Trump won a landslide in the electoral vote-doesn’t matter to the Democrats.

And off she went to Washington to march with the women-women who are divisive. They didn’t allow all women to participate. If you do not believe in unfettered abortion-well you are just not the “right” woman.

Yet she marched with Linda Sarsour one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March held in Washington, D.C, a Muslim woman who is against abortion after 20 weeks.  Is this bright, well-off woman aware that in Islam women can be beaten and raped by their husbands?  Is she aware that Islam is against gay rights

She marched proudly for Planned Parenthood. Does she know that Planned Parenthood performs late term abortions to retrieve organs for sale? Does she know that these unborn babies suffer terrible pain during the procedure;? She’s a mother. Has she no empathy for these fetuses? Is she aware that Planned Parenthood came about because of Margaret Sanger-a woman who wanted to reduce the number of black births in America and yet Sanger is revered?  Is she aware of “doctors” who perform horrific late term abortions like the infamous abortionist, Gosnell

A Muslim woman wrote in the NY Times “On the issues I care about as a Muslim, the “Women’s March,” unfortunately, has taken a stand on the side of partisan politics that has obfuscated the issues of Islamic extremism over the eight years of the Obama administration. “Women’s March” partners include the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has not only deflected on issues of Islamic extremism post-9/11, but opposes Muslim reforms that would allow women to be prayer leaders and pray in the front of mosques, without wearing headscarves as symbols of chastity.” 

Is this well-educated, well-off woman marching for women’s rights aware of this? I doubt it.


copyright dianebederman.com 2017