When Pierre Trudeau introduced multi-culturalism rather than multi-ethnicism into western culture he opened the door to left-wing ideologues and their embrace of moral and cultural and relativism during the turbulent 1970’s.  This love of relativism has made it possible for cultures, still stuck in tribal behaviours, to bring their customs and beliefs here. I do not want to live in a country that enables men to use women as currency in honour/shame disputes. I do not want this country, rooted in freedom, human rights and human dignity, to allow tribal, patriarchal systems that insist that women cover their faces to flourish here. And I am appalled that relativism has affected our courts. Judges have given misogyny legitimacy with a ruling that makes room for veiling of women in court. This is moral and cultural relativism elevated to god-like status when it should be anathema to Western culture and civilization.

What I find so perverse is left-wing feminists and gay activists  embracing  anti-colonialist, anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist rhetoric to the point that, excuse this cliché but it is so appropriate- they cut their noses to spite their faces. In their attack against Israel under the rubric of “Zionism is racism” which was first introduced by Stalin, these two groups have embraced the ideologies of countries led by tyrants, despots and autocrats whose cultures refuse women rights that are even available to camels-the ability to show one’s face, and kill (notice the present tense)homosexuals for their  “aberrant” behaviour.

They are but two groups within the left that love Boycott Divest and Sanction of Israel. It is the newest anti-Semitic ensemble in the Emperor’s closet. Oxford University biologist, Richard Dawkins, described two types of information that are intertwined and passed through the generations. There are the genes that pass on our DNA and there are “memes” which he refers to as “units of deep cultural information.”  The “meme” of anti-Semitism is 2000 years old; since the days the Jews were accused of being Christ killers. That the Jews have been absolved has not removed the stigma nor ended the almost unconscious acceptance of all Jews being responsible for the crucifying of Christ.  When the Jews refused to accept Mohammed as their prophet, Muslim hatred toward the Jews began and like Christian anti-Semitism thrives, today. Blinded by endemic and systemic hatred of Jews, the left joins forces with cultures that would never welcome them.

The illogical hatred for Jews is best revealed in comedy. Family Guy is filled with references to the ever-present stupidity of anti-Semitism. Seth Macfarlane, the genius behind the show has found multiple ways to attack anti-Semitism. In one episode, the Griffins are transported to a perfect Disney world where life is wonderful and everyone sings, until Mort, the Jew, drawn with the stereotypical bignose, crooked teeth and a large yellow Star of David around his neck comes to the door. And the world stops. Horror of horrors-there’s a Jew at the door. A Jew! Oh no! I laughed till I cried. MacFarlane does not let political correctness get in the way of truth-telling. He reminds us of the strength and longevity of anti-Semitism especially post-Holocaust.

I am waiting for feminists, dressed in Western clothes to go to Saudi Arabia and speak against Zionism and members for the LGBT community dressed in clothes they wear to Gay Pride parades to stand up in Iran against Israel. I’d be curious to see how these countries would respond. Who do they hate more-the Jews or women and gays?

It is the Muslim Middle East that is dragging us into tribal hate. And the left in its rabid embrace of “victims” of colonialism, capitalism and globalization is helping them by scapegoating the only democracy in the area. And it is easy. In a culture that elevates relativism, anything can be justified. This rabid rage against Israel and the Jews in the 21st century is the result of pernicious propaganda that has unleashed the endemic and systemic, easily accessible, irrational hatred for Jews that has been cultivated and nurtured for millennia.