Mental illness afflicts more than 20% of our population; seven million Canadians from all walks of life; rich, poor, young, old, educated, illiterate, all races, colours and creeds.

In Canada there are more than 350,000 people with schizophrenia and as many with bipolar disorder.  To put those numbers into perspective, there are 65,000 people living with HIV/AIDS.

January 29, 2013, the National Post reprinted a story about Dustin Garron, an 18 year old, diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, who attempted suicide seven times, the last time landed him on life-support. He has taken his experiences and turned them into a positive. He started Mental Health Project for Youth in 2011.

As Dr. Ian Manion, executive director of the Ontario Centre for Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health pointed out in the article, “We know there is a strong association between mental illness and suicide.”

The stigma of “mental” illness leads to suicide for far too many.   Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Canadians between the ages of 10 and 24. About 3,600 people commit suicide in Canada each year; approximately 10 suicides per day. For every suicide death, there are an estimated 20 to 25 attempts.

Mental health problems and illnesses are estimated to cost the Canadian economy about 51 billion dollars a year.

Bell Let’s Talk is bringing mental health to the forefront.

Let’s not only talk about mental health, let’s take action.