I received an invitation from Donna Holbrook,  via Facebook, to attend this event.

Israel Rejoicing 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018; 5:30pm

Honoring the God of Israel through Hebrew Song and Dance. Admission is Free. At Earl Bales Park (Barry Zukerman Amphtheatre) 4169 Bathurst St. (South of Sheppard Ave.) Toronto. www.friendsofjesuschrist.com or call 416-335-8829.

Sounds lovely doesn’t it? Right in the heart of the Jewish community in Toronto.

This event is brought to us by Friends of Jesus Christ.  And this is but one of many special events, including Passover, that are celebrated in a special way.

Special events, such as Passover, Easter, Christmas and church anniversaries are celebrated in a special way. These are occasions when the members can offer their talents to the Lord in various creative ways. The Friends of Jesus Christ, Canada also carries out its Israel Ministry (based on Psalm 122:6) by reaching out to the Jewish community in Toronto through the annual Israel Rejoicing Celebration at Earl Bales Park.

Let me take you back to Ms. Holbrook.

Ms. Holbrook is President in Canada of ICEJ; the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. Once the only embassy, but now overshadowed by the American Embassy.

Dr. George Giacumakis, the one-time Chairman of the Board of Trustees of ICEJ, has said straight out that it is hoped, through various ‘friendship’ organizations with Jews, and by giving financial and political support to Israel, that Jews will start showing interest in Christianity.

ICEJ writes:

“The Jewish world must know that the call to be obedient to world missions, including the Jewish world, is not a small matter that can be compromised. No, this call is a major tenet of our biblical faith” (Romans 1:16; Matthew 28:18-20).

Rev. Malcolm Hedding, the former Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem said

“Now if I said to my Jewish friends that in order to have a meaningful relationship with me, they must stop celebrating Shabbat, they would be horrified and reject such a position out of hand. But this is what some Jews are doing to Christians! They assert that no relationship between Jews and Christians can take place unless the Christians disavow missionary activity.”


ICEJ works with organizations, like KKCJ, whose sole purpose it to plant seeds in Israel-churches-that call out to the Jewish people; that promote Jews for Jesus, throughout the land. They are building them now. For the present. Not the world to come. You can read more here.

I received an invite last September from ICEJ, also via Facebook, to join them for their monthly worship, teaching and prayer for Israel.
Live worship and special guest Mark Neugebauer teaching. Mark Neugebauer is a retired teacher and messianic Jew.  You can listen to him here.


If that’s not enough, we have unions in Canada who support “Palestine” by attacking Israel-the JEWISH state.  And one of them, CUPW, is planning a protest against the only JEWISH state (surrounded by 23 MUSLIM states), also in the heart of the Jewish community of Toronto. Why? you might ask. Because B’nai Brith issued a statement about the CUPW’s actions “… a joint project with the (Palestinian Postal Service Workers Union ) designed to strengthen the Palestinian postal union and build greater solidarity between our two unions” and hailed “a recent visit to Canada by Imad Temeiza, President of the PPSWU.”

The statement by B’nai Brith  includes the following:

Alon Katzakevich, an Israeli-Canadian member of CUPW who lives in Winnipeg, told B’nai Brith that the union’s statements left him “shocked and concerned.”

“Be my guest to explain to my kids why they grew up without a grandmother who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists.”

On its official Facebook page, the PPSWU has twice glorified Palestinian terrorist Ahmad Nasr Jarrar, hailing him as a “hero of my country.” Jarrar was a member of Hamas, a designated terrorist entity in Canada, who murdered Israeli Rabbi Raziel Shevach on January 9, before being killed in a shootout with Israeli forces in February.

Another recent post from the PPSWU page calls for the release from prison of Fuad Shubaki, who was convicted in 2009 of attempting to smuggle tens of thousands of weapons into the Gaza Strip for use by the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, another designated terrorist entity in Canada.

Images from PPSWU’s Facebook page also indicate that it supports the total annihilation of the Jewish State, rather than a two-state solution.

Here is the  call to action as a result of the B’nai Brith statement:

“Recently, B’nai Brith Canada launched a smear campaign against the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). CUPW has taken a principled stand in defence of Palestinian human rights. As a result, CUPW has become the latest victim in a long list of smear campaigns launched by B’nai Brith Canada to silence human rights defenders who are critical of Israel’s violations of international law. Enough is enough. Please join us in communicating to B’nai Brith that we will no longer remain silent in the face of its constant attacks on those who demand freedom and justice for the Palestinian people.”

If you don’t know about CUPW, here is a description on the CJPME site; Canadians for Justice and Peace on the Middle East.

“The CUPW is a democratic union representing 50,000 postal workers across Canada. A supporter of Palestinian human rights, the CUPW has repeatedly condemned Israel’s military occupation, violations of international law and systematic oppression of the Palestinian people.

“In 2008, the CUPW endorsed the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement calling for the application of economic pressure on Israel until it respects Palestinian human rights. Last fall, the CUPW endorsed CJPME’s Peace in Palestine  petition calling on the Canadian government to condemn Israeli settlements. In June, the CUPW pledged its support for the Freedom Flotilla Coalition that seeks to challenge the inhumane blockade of Gaza. CUPW member Ron Rousseau participated in the Freedom Flotilla as it made its way through Europe this summer.”

Let’s look at CJPME;  Canadians for Justice and Peace on the Middle East. They are in favour of BDS.  But it seems they are remiss when it comes to sharing all facts. That Canada (like the European Union, the United States, and on and on) lists Hamas as an outlaw terrorist entity

Did you know: Many have also asked  whether CUPW can legally compel its Jewish and Israeli members to pay fees, which may be used to support a foreign organization that wants to see them murdered? Given the state of the law, the unfortunate answer is: yes, they can. 

So the Jews are doubly targeted. Once by Christians who insist that we will not be happy until we accept Jesus. And another by organizations that simply want the end of the Jewish state as we know it.

And they are both able to share their views in the heart of the largest Jewish community in Toronto, Canada, without fear. Because Canada is a tolerant, inclusive, accommodating and diverse country.


From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”