One thing about Stupid-it’s contagious

Dear Canadians now booing the American anthem. You stand with Trudeau’s sudden case of righteousness regarding big, bad, old Trump and his calls for the annexation of Canada and implementation of tariffs.

Where were you when Trudeau stamped out the rights of hard-working  TRUCK-DRIVING Canadians when they refused to get the Covid shot after driving all over Canada and the USA, with no open rest stops or restaurants? He called these people and those of us standing with their right not to be jabbed; racists and misogynists .

January, 2022

“Yes, we will get out of this pandemic by vaccination. We all know people who are a little bit hesitant. We will continue to try and convince them, but there are also people who are fiercely against vaccination,”

They are extremists who don’t believe in sciencethey’re often misogynists, also often racists. It’s a small group that muscles in, and we have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people? Or do we say, hey, most of the Quebecois people – 80% – are vaccinated. We want to come back to things we like doing. It’s not those people who are blocking us.”

And more from Trudeau

“The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know of that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values, as a country.”

And then the Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa, January 29.


February 14, 2022 Trudeau invokes the Emergencies Act against Canadian protesters certainly ensuring “our freedoms, our rights, our values, as a country.”

Dangerous protesters.

Let’s not forget Trudeau stood by while Canadians toppled of statues of Canada’s first prime minister, John A. Macdonald.

And now he resigns, shuts down Parliament just as to Donald Trump suggests  he would take over Canada as the 51st state. You are upset that Trump refers to Trudeau as Governor. Boy oh boy – get a back bone, and how about a funny bone?

Donald Trump posted a bizarre image of himself with a Canadian flag in what appeared to be a Swiss mountain range, in apparent reference to a joke made to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week

Seriously, Canadians, you really think that Trump can sign an executive order and annex Canada? You are dumber than I ever imagined. You think Trump has that power? Don’t you think he might need the approval of Congress? And the American people? Why would they want Canada-especially if it includes Quebec? How can Canadians be so stupid that they do not realize after all this time that Trump makes these breathtaking “suggestions” when he only wants something relatively small – like Canada protecting her borders and preventing fentanyl from crossing into America.  Fentanyl and anything else the Chinese consortium in Canada wants to get into America.

And what did you expect? He’d gather the military across the border and invade? Like 1812? Well, Canada won that one but I doubt we could push back against America with the Liberals in power. And speaking of Liberals in power, when did Mark Carney becomes the PM, the spokesperson for Canada? I guess I have to ask the legacy media – seems they nominated him.

All of a sudden we should stand with Trudeau and the Canadian flag after the  truckers and their supporters, the Freedom Convoy,  were attacked for standing by that flag.

Our Canadian flag was shared all over the world, hanging from bridges, when our brave truckers took to the streets and went to Ottawa to protest.

Around the world citizens thanked these Canadians for refusing to be shut down for not taking the Covid vaccine.  It was a shining symbol of hope and freedom. What a proud moment in time for those of us who believe that government bends the knee to “we the people” and not the other way around.

While the world thanked us what did Trudeau do? At first, nothing.  After Trudeau divided us into “essential” and “non-essential” human beings and given “rights” accordingly, he refused to speak to the truckers.  He remained in his basement. And then people complained that it was noisy in Ottawa. Oh those poor people in those apartments working for the government – from home. Hmmm. They didn’t complain about getting their parcels delivered.

And then you clapped when Trudeau Team Canada employed the Emergencies Act to remove the protesters. Protesters who cleaned the streets, fed the homeless, prayed, cleaned the bathrooms of restaurant they used. The Emergencies Act, similar to the one implemented by his father when Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), a militant Quebec independence committed terrorist attacks in Quebec in 1970.

You stand with him despite a federal court finding the government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act in response to the so-called freedom convoy protests “was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration”. In his decision, Justice Richard Mosley wrote that the move was “unreasonable” and led to infringement of Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms.

Then all of a sudden on Flag Day, 2025, the Maple Leaf is a fantastic symbol!

Oh look, our flag reflects the common values we take pride in — democracy, inclusion and equity. Unless you disagree with the government and protest, peacefully…

Not too long ago you same people had a different reaction.

After weeks of living with the protesters, many downtown residents say they can no longer see a Maple Leaf flag without a feeling of tension.

“I have my guard up immediately,” one resident said, describing their feelings when they see someone carrying the flag in the street.

“Every time I see a Canadian flag now, you know, it’s almost like you’re embarrassed to be Canadian at the moment.”

You, now calling yourselves Team Canada, standing together against Trump and his call for annexation of Canada and/or tariffs, stood with Trudeau when he attacked our citizens when they were peacefully protesting. The police were dressed for an invasion!


And now  you proudly boo the American National Anthem here, in Canada, before a hockey game? This is your idea of patriotism? Shame on you. Well, our PM said he was “damn proud” of our country!

How did we get here? How did so many people agree to give up their freedom to a tiny tyrant and now stand with him telling us to show our patriotism by not traveling to the US or buying their products(right, keep buying products from China) and booing sports teams?

How did we get to a place where we actually believed that any President of the USA would unilaterally invade Canada? Really? Guess when you read Legacy media, stupid is what stupid does.

You can take a horse to water but you can’t make him smart.

From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”

Diane Weber Bederman