Journalist Jonathan Kay, former editor at the National Post and The Walrus, now Canadian editor of Quillette, sent out a tweet about a white woman, Laura Lynn Thompson,  who was attacked by a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab. The Muslim woman threw what was reported as a cup of coffee toward the woman’s face at a vigil in Burnaby, British Columbia, for Marrisa Shen, the 13-year-old girl who was found murdered in July of 2017. Her alleged killer, Ibrahim Ali, a “Syrian refugee” who had been admitted into the country just three months prior to Shen’s killing, was recently charged with first-degree murder. Mr. Kay suggested that these are actions of idiots…but he tweeted

“it isn’t the end of the world when someone acts like an idiot. but it is true that if roles were reversed, the cbc, Toronto Star etc would make the whole country sit in the corner of islamophobic shame & do some reconciliation thing. random nuts do not reflect society at large”

I Googled this event and found no main stream media coverage. But, I did find this link for an on-line report-not print or television.

The CBC was contacted about the omission of this event in their coast to coast to coast reporting and here is the response from the tax-payer funded broadcasting corporation; a corporation one would hope would report equally on all of our diverse communities.

“The focus of our story was about the proceedings inside the courtroom and the passion for the immigration debate. That said, we featured Ms. Thompson in the headlines off the top of the newscast and then again during the story using a video clip where she can be heard talking about her concerns. We also acknowledged the tensions outside the courthouse but in as much as there was a lot going on outside, we stuck to the key issues of the story: the murder of Marissa Shen, the man accused of her murder and the conversations that provoked.”

In other words, no mention of a Muslim woman throwing coffee on a non-Muslim woman who was sharing her concerns about the murder of a Chinese girl by a Muslim refugee.

Members of Toronto’s Chinese Community recently came together in Toronto to talk about the murder of Marrisa Shen. Their community is in mourning. They are questioning the policies of Justin Trudeau. Open this link and watch the video.

I Googled this event and found no main stream media coverage.

Is there some kind of “invisible hand” behind the media controlling the messaging?

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, a Harvard-educated scholar, businessman, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East wrote:

“The more you conceal or disregard constructive criticism of Islam, the harder you are making it for reforms to occur and the easier you are making it for Muslim radicals to prevail…your goal should not be to be politically correct or fiercely protect this religion, but to heal its wounded and offer support to those that want to eliminate the abuses. Glossing over the often unspeakable acts to which sharia can lead will only empower those individuals who have malevolent intentions, while subjugating the most vulnerable to their cruelty. …so many institutions utilize a far more subtle method of silencing criticism. Some of these methods include labeling anyone who says anything remotely negative about Islam — even those who offer constructive criticism and the opportunity for reform — as promoting “Islamophobia.”

Had this been reversed, had a non-Muslim attacked a Muslim would the media be all over it? Would politicians from all levels of government be tweeting their horror as was done when a young Muslim girl said she was attacked on her way to school by a Chinese man who tried to cut her hijab?

The story turned out to be a lie. But it got far more coverage than the truth that took place in Toronto and British Columbia.


From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”