Life is likened unto two roads: one of fire and one of ice. If you walk in the one, you will be burned, and if in the other, you will be frozen. What shall one do? Walk in the middle.
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About The Book
Not only are we under attack from those who hate our way of life, but our Western culture is crumbling from the internal pressures of worshiping the false gods of absolute tolerance, inclusion, and accommodation to the point that we welcome beliefs, customs, and rituals that undermine our democracy—in the name of democracy!
“An Intimate Soul Searching Journey. I highly recommend Back to the Ethic as a must read for all people of faith and people struggling with faith…”
“I’m very impressed with this book. Diane Weber Bederman give a very thorough understanding of exactly why the Judeo Christian tradition is the very foundation of our society. She shows exactly why it works and why other belief systems do not…”