Articles written by: Diane Weber Bederman
Argentinian President Javier Milei
Argentinian President Javier Milei said: “Truth has never gone down to defeat as a result of opposition, it has done so only when its friends are too weak to defend it.”
Ugo La Malfa
Following the Six Day War in Israel, 1967 Italian liberally politician Ugo La Malfa said: “The freedom of the West is defended under the walls of Jerusalem.”
Dear Jewish organizations: What have you done for us lately?
Dear Jewish organizations: What have you done for us lately? We read that the world is much like 1939, except on steroids. It seems all the effort to teach about the Holocaust has failed. I am writing this about Canada, but I suggest this is a problem all over the...
Who is a Barbarian?
WHO IS A BARBARIAN? I apologize for the length of this article. It just seems to be a never-ending "story." The word “barbarian” originated in ancient Greece, and was initially used to describe all non-Greek-speaking peoples, including Persians, Egyptians, Medes and...
God’s Country
Whenever I listen to the lyrics of "God's Country," I think of Israel. This Country Western song was written about America's heartland but the values are the same. And it makes sense as America's Constitution is firmly rooted in the teachings of the Hebrew...
Safe Spaces, Pekuach Nefesh and Turn the other cheek
There are two standards in the world. One for all, another for the Jews. Remember: October 7/Israel’s 9/11 In order for there to be peace in the Middle East, both sides must first agree on the definition of the term. As long as Israel defines peace as the absence of...
In the words of the late Salomon Benzimra, author of The Jewish People's Rights to the Land of Israel “Tell the world there will be no negotiating until the territorial sovereignty of Israel and Judea Samaria is no longer questioned.” The entire world shared their...
Dear Jews: We are the pea under the mattress: The pebble in the shoe: It’s time to laugh in their faces
Dear Jews: We are driving the Jew-haters crazy. I know from the responses I get on line! The time has come to change tactics. We don’t need to defend ourselves or duck and hide. When these Jew-haters are out protesting, calling “Death to the Jews” “Death to Israel”...
Nothin’ says lovin’ like a baby in the oven and Islam does it best
IT HAS BEEN SIX MONTHS "Nothin’ says lovin’ like a baby in the oven and Islam does it best." In case you didn’t know - nothing has changed. When it comes to the Jews, Muslims are the Nazis of today. And once again, the West stands with the wrong side. Or, to put it...
Why do we support Gender Affirming Care but take offense with Conversion Therapy?
Ixnay on "affirmative care" for gays, and hooray for "affirmative care" for children. There was a time when people believed that one could be “cured” of homosexuality with Conversion Therapy, often provided by faith based organizations. Adults came in...