Nov 12, 2021 | Ethics, Mental Health
We live in a time where the courageous are attacked by those with irrational fear, while those with irrational fear applaud themselves as courageous~ Kulvinder Kaur MD So, why should doctors care about their obligations to the Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg...
Oct 18, 2021 | Ethics, News
How can we condone health care that includes the unceremonious removal of a patient, especially a senior citizen, from their primary health care provider? It seems we do in Ontario. I wonder if this is all made possible by socialized medicine and the new rules...
Sep 19, 2021 | Ethics, Mental Health, Politics
My friend of 50 years died on Tuesday, August 17 at 8:15 AM. It wasn’t a surprise. We were told that she had requested that her life end. Medically assisted suicide. Death with dignity. I am not against MAID, medically assisted suicide, or abortion, but...
Aug 30, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
I am not one to tell people for whom to vote. But I am here to say: Justin #Turdeau’s got to go! He has proven himself to be the most corrupt, unethical, immoral, inept PM in Canada’s history. Remember his forays into Black-face and dressing like an...
Aug 18, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
Show me your papers! Never thought I would ever hear those words in my lifetime. My grandparents heard them. The Nuremberg Trials of the Nazis led to the Nuremberg Code, 1947. That code stated that no one could ever again say “I was only following orders,” when...