Feb 3, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
In Germany no streets or squares are named after Hans Langsdorff and there has been no official military representation at the annual ceremonies at his grave. Seventy six years after the end of World War II and the revelation of the Holocaust; the deliberate...
Jan 23, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Elliot and Margaret, is the most arrogant, entitled, corrupt, immoral and unethical politician in the history of Canada. He is a dictator in waiting, turning Canada into a Banana Republic. He makes Fidel Castro, a man he truly...
Jan 11, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
All over the world, we are witnessing police forces and security guards attacking citizens for not wearing a mask, walking outside, playing hockey, surfing alone in the ocean, sitting around a family dinner table, opening their businesses. The police are following...
Jan 4, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
Allan Bloom, author of the Closing of the American Mind,1987, wrote that many of us find our purpose and our intellectual and spiritual connection to the world through the stories and wisdom of the Bible, unlike many people who live with “an open-ended future...
Dec 16, 2020 | Ethics, Politics
What happens when we take freedom for granted? There was a time when many knew the poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller who was in concentration camps from 1937 to 1945, first in Sachsenhausen, then in Dachau. Niemöller had preached against the Nazi...
Dec 5, 2020 | Ethics, Politics
“We are all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.” ~J.K Rowling I watch NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. During the pandemic he has introduced us to many “essential” front line health care workers who share their...