Hate incidents all start with words

    Avi Benlolo, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, spoke at a Toronto Mosque honouring the Muslims murdered in Christchurch while attending services. He shared his concerns. He said: We ask ourselves, what is happening to us? What is happening to humanity?...

Interview on UnInterrupted with Daniel Bordman

  I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Daniel Bordman about religion, ethics, current events and the Islamophobia industry on his show Interrupted. ENJOY   Diane Weber Bederman- The Islamophobia Industry, The Monotheistic Ethic and Western...

Bullied to death over a colostomy bag.

    A ten year old boy was bullied over his colostomy bag. He killed himself. Our children have learned from the so-called  adults how to really bully someone.The bullying is coming top down, from the media, with their Fake news where they choose the victim...

Did the Muslim Rings of Peace Promote Peace and Love for all?

      Numerous “Rings of Peace” were formed around Toronto synagogues on Friday night and Saturday morning (November 2-3, 2018), the week following the massacre of Jews in their synagogue in Pittsburgh. The events were organized by the...