What would Marshall McLuhan say today about social media?

Marshall McLuhan, forever associated with the expression, “The medium is the message,” wrote in 1967 that we live in a “complex system of information, physically, physiologically, nervously, humanly.” He wrote at that time that there had never...

Too many governments have Facebook standards

I have been blocked by Facebook for posting an article about Muslims killing gays.We have read many articles about gay men being hanged from cranes in Saudi Arabia and thrown off buildings blindfolded with hands tied behind their backs in Iran. Can you imagine what...

Fake News:An attempt at a Coup?

At what point in time does journalism move from unethical to illegal? When does First Amendment protected hate speech become hate speech inciting an imminent threat of death to the president of the United States of America by the word or by the sword? It is the best...

What do antisemites and Jewish Progressives have in common

  What do antisemites and Jewish Progressives have in common? The internalization of a negative cultural meme.  Cultural memes are units of information; cultural units of DNA, which give us an understanding of being human. Oxford University biologist Richard...