Oct 18, 2021 | Ethics, News
How can we condone health care that includes the unceremonious removal of a patient, especially a senior citizen, from their primary health care provider? It seems we do in Ontario. I wonder if this is all made possible by socialized medicine and the new rules...
Jun 11, 2021 | News, Politics
“Quiet; come to order” called the College of Cardinals. And the Pope spoke: “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,” cried the infallible Pope Fauci. “All of the things I have spoken about, consistently, from the very beginning, have...
Mar 31, 2021 | News, Videos
Andrew’s Soapbox. I sat down with the amazing Diane Bederman (code named “Raging Jewish Princess”). Diane is a world renowned Canadian author, having written books such as “Back to the Ethic” and “The Serpent and the Red Thread”. (And she blushed) In this...