Oct 9, 2017 | Religion / Spirituality
The feelings God has for His people are the same feelings we have for those we love who are ill, whose death is in sight, whose time is short and precious; a daughter for a mother, a husband for a wife, a parent for a child. “Please, just stay with me one more...
Oct 3, 2017 | Religion / Spirituality
What would the response of our politicians, from local to federal, have been if we allowed anyone in our school system or pulpits to refer to Muslims as misguided, their beliefs an aberration, and that they were the most obstinate of enemies ? When I went to...
Sep 29, 2017 | Religion / Spirituality
HOW MANY TIMES MUST WE SAY ? It’s Rosh Hashana and the trolls are out in the Jewish neighbourhoods of the greater Toronto Area. Tom Cantor from the Israel Restoration Ministries is visiting the Jews. Like the plague-or the angel of death. Financed from...
Sep 27, 2017 | Religion / Spirituality
Hear O Israel “Although Israel is a democratic nation, groups which refer to themselves as “anti-missionaries” are freely allowed to advance an agenda of religious-ethnic cleansing in the Jewish homeland.” Jerusalem Institute of Justice Am Yisrael...
Sep 26, 2017 | Religion / Spirituality
Please note: Non-Jews who respect Jews for who we are and want Israel to be the Jewish state-this article is not about you! What is it about the scent of other people’s money that it destroys the brain cells of some of our brightest Jewish people? That it affects...
Sep 23, 2017 | Religion / Spirituality
She wants to comfort the people of Israel: ” Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.” She wants to bring comfort through the love of Yeshua to people; like Holocaust survivors in Israel. I just read Rabbi Sack’s discussion on parsha Ki Teitse. He explains...