Diane Bederman- author, blogger

Life is likened unto two roads: one of fire and one of ice. If you walk in  the one, you will be burned, and if in the other, you will be frozen. What shall one do? Walk in the middle.

Diane Weber Bederman is a spokesperson for current events & writer on topics such as; Ethics, Politics, Religion and Mental Health. She is a book author and highly published columnist.   Diane feels, “There is a shortage of respectful dialogue, today.  And too much opinion expressed that is fact free.”  Welcome to ”The Bederman Blog- Your Passionate Voice of Reason”, Diane’s collection of articles where the opinions you read may not be yours, but they will always be based on fact.

Most Recent Articles

God’s Country

God’s Country

  Whenever I listen to the lyrics of "God's Country," I think...

Trudeau-One thing about Stupid-it’s contagious

One thing about Stupid-it’s contagious Dear Canadians now booing the American anthem. You stand with Trudeau's sudden case of righteousness regarding big, bad, old Trump and his calls for the annexation of Canada and implementation of tariffs. Where were you when Trudeau stamped out the rights of...

Why did God save Trump?

Why did God save Trump? Why did God save Trump? We know He did because the bullet grazed Trump's ear instead of killing him. It was so close one can only believe that Hand of God was involved. Considering all the incredible things Donald Trump has done for Jews and Israel, one might ask, in a...

Canada’s PM Justin Traitor…  I mean Trudeau

Canada’s PM Justin Traitor...  I mean Trudeau What kind of leader terminates Parliament, governance, in the middle of a crisis? Well, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s esteemed Liberal PM, has prorogued Parliament during a time when his leadership is under question and a new leader is being sought; well,...

Child abuse fits right in with our Woke Ideology: Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in rape.

What is it about some men that they desire children for sex – boys and girls? From the beginning of time children have been used, abused and sacrificed. Muslim men. Caucasian men. Black men. I guess one can say that child abuse fits right in with our Woke Ideology: Diversity, Inclusion and Equity;...

       About The Book

Not only are we under attack from those who hate our way of life, but our Western culture is crumbling from the internal pressures of worshiping the false gods of absolute tolerance, inclusion, and accommodation to the point that we welcome beliefs, customs, and rituals that undermine our democracy—in the name of democracy!


“An Intimate Soul Searching Journey. I highly recommend Back to the Ethic as a must read for all people of faith and people struggling with faith…”

“I’m very impressed with this book. Diane Weber Bederman give a very thorough understanding of exactly why the Judeo Christian tradition is the very foundation of our society. She shows exactly why it works and why other belief systems do not…”