May 4, 2023 | Ethics, Politics
Such is the nature of the human race: individuals and peoples differ from each other in outlook, personality, talents, and the many other distinctions, great and small, which set them apart from each other. There is a time for everything under heaven....
Feb 22, 2023 | Ethics, Politics
“Those Who Would Give Up Essential Liberty, To Purchase A Little Temporary Safety, Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety” . . . Benjamin Franklin. What is the Rule of Law? We are told that we live in countries that follow the Rule of law. But what is the Rule of Law?...
Feb 2, 2023 | Ethics, Politics
God said: I give you the blessing and the curse: Life and Death: Choose life for you and your children Deuteronomy 30:19-20 Something has gone very wrong. We have stopped choosing life; for ourselves and our children – including the unborn. We are intentionally...
Jan 18, 2023 | Ethics, Politics
The concept of the Jews returning to their homeland on the wings of eagles is a powerful and enduring one that has deep roots in Jewish history and culture. And in America the Founding Fathers selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and...