Nov 29, 2018 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Do tolerance and diversity include tolerating hate from any pulpit? I know that sounds rhetorical. But is it? The Archbishop of Canterbury said in 2016: “It is a shameful truth that, through its theological teachings, the church compounded the spread of this...
Oct 31, 2018 | News, Politics
Border control is on the front page. This is not about legal immigration. America just tied its all-time record for new immigration. This is about the thousands of people trying to enter the USA, illegally, from her Southern border, with the hearty approval of the...
Sep 21, 2018 | News, Politics
Journalist Jonathan Kay, former editor at the National Post and The Walrus, now Canadian editor of Quillette, sent out a tweet about a white woman, Laura Lynn Thompson, who was attacked by a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab. The Muslim woman threw what was...
Sep 12, 2018 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Chris Selly posted his opinion on free speech in an article he wrote for the National Post. He is a regular contributor. His article is about “how capricious, self-serving and addlepated governments often are when dealing with rights.” After discussing...