9/11 The plight of the refugees. Where have you been?

  Fourteen years ago, Sept 11, 2001, the last of the Jews in Syria was flown to freedom. More than 3000 Jewish people trapped under the brutal dictator, Assad, were removed from Syria by the actions of one Canadian woman from Toronto, Judy Feld Carr. The entire...

Niqab Is it an affront to democracy?

During the summer of 2014, Professor Natasha Bakht of the University of Ottawa wrote in Convivium, a magazine to which I contribute, that Muslim women have the religious right to cover up. She describes the Canadian reaction to the niqab as “illogical” and...

CBC Bias is Unacceptable

This summer I lodged a complaint with the CBC regarding their biased coverage of the Middle East. Here is the review of my complaint by Esther Enkin, the ombudsman. Below is my response to her review which I found unacceptable. Please read the documents and if you...

Sharia Compliant Investments in Canada. What?

I discovered, quite by accident, that there is a Muslim based economy developing in Canada: Halal and Sharia Compliant Investments, with their own laws specific to Sharia law. It has been developing rather quietly for several years. I found a reference to the Canadian...

The Stigma of being Jewish

When Pierre Trudeau introduced multi-culturalism rather than multi-ethnicism into western culture he opened the door to left-wing ideologues and their embrace of moral and cultural and relativism during the turbulent 1970’s.  This love of relativism has made it...