Nov 29, 2017 | Politics
So we will bring them back and give them a home, maybe a car, a computer, a phone, welfare, and then maybe the will like us really, really, really like us, despite the fact they didn’t like us when they had all these things before they left. I...
Apr 18, 2017 | Politics
Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is concerned about the well-being of Canadian citizens. “Canadians have understood that our differences are a source of strength, not a source of weakness.” He called for the need to “work to ensure that everyone understands [and...
Mar 27, 2017 | Politics
That’s it. I am done. I live in Canada, in a country that is described as tolerant, inclusive, accommodating, diverse. Unless you are a Jew. Washington Post I know in this day and age reading tweets takes time. Well, this article is more than 140...
Feb 10, 2017 | Politics
Quebec Imam Sayed AlGhitawi (سيد الغتاوي) from the Al Andalous Islamic Center in Montreal, Quebec recited prayers that include the following supplications (click HERE): O Allah, destroy the accursed Jews O Allah, show us the black day you inflict on them...
Dec 6, 2016 | Politics
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau displayed his affection for fascism on the death of Fidel Castro. “We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.” He seems to be following in the footsteps of...