Fathers and their children have rights, too

    It’s been far too long since I wrote a piece about emotional abuse-the silent killer-too often by suicide far more often the death of the soul that is felt but not seen. Unlike physical abuse where you can go to the authorities and say –see-look at my...

The Fear of “Coming out” with Mental Illness

When I first wrote about my mental illness in Convivium magazine, in letters published in the newspapers, and broadcast my radio series, “The Many Voices of Mental Illness,” I was told that I was brave as if “coming out” would be self-destructive. But, that is the...

And the winner is…The Deplorables

This is the year for boycotts. The left has been so busy boycotting I wonder if they know who, what, and where they are to oppose, shut down and destroy. We know Ivanka is on the list. But 2017 is the year for The Deplorables!! This is the year the winning envelope...

Islam and Sexual Assault

By now I hope Canadians are aware of charges of multiple sexual assaults on six teenage girls under the age of 16 while they were swimming at the West Edmonton Mall World Waterpark public swimming pool that had been booked for a private event.  Soleiman Hajj...