Jew hatred condoned on Universities in Canada

Igor Sadikov,  a student union leader at McGill University urged people on Twitter to “punch a Zionist today.” Despite calls for his resignation, something…anything…the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) decided to keep...

Abusive Media

The story is a few weeks old. But that does not change the fact that media in Canada have no problem with presenting thier subjective narrative even if it is done on the back of unethical journalism. Toronto Metro, owned by Torstar, featured an interview with Bayan...

The March to Dhimmitude

We know there is something wrong when it is acceptable to call the Jews the new Nazis. “Our battle with World Jewry is a question of life and death. It is a battle between two conflicting faiths, each of which can exist only on the ruins of the other.”  This is the...

The Attack of the F-BOMB

I am going to share with you three distinct examples of “information sharing” by the Progressives. All of them have one thing in common-the need to write or scream potty-mouth language. I think there is a contest taking place amongst media, academia and...