Jan 24, 2025 | Ethics, News, Politics
Canada’s PM Justin Traitor… I mean Trudeau What kind of leader terminates Parliament, governance, in the middle of a crisis? Well, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s esteemed Liberal PM, has prorogued Parliament during a time when his leadership is under question and a...
Mar 20, 2023 | News, Podcast Episode List
Diane Bederman is a guest on The Bill Martinez Show 9:06-9:29a ET – Diane Bederman – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Announces $5.5 Million to Fight “Disinformation.” Could this be his way to deflect from his Chinese connections? The Canadian author, speaker, and...
Jun 29, 2022 | Ethics, Politics
When you fail to “kill” the king; if history is any guide, he will come back with a vengeance. Many of us have known for some time that Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, is a corrupt, immoral, unethical, inept man. He has been called out for his ethical...
Feb 23, 2022 | Ethics, Politics
Mr. Prime Minister, what has happened since March 2020 that you have attacked the truckers? An ethical journalist would have confronted the Prime Minister with this statement the day he went after the trucker convoy. Rex Murphy, a journalist in Canada, wrote about...
Feb 18, 2022 | News, Politics
“No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” 18th century philosopher Edmund Burke. Justin Trudeau is behaving like a fascist, while calling the truckers fascists. Fascism is not an ideology or political strategy...