The Story of Philosophy

This wonderful book, written by William Durant in 1927 remains true today. It is a book to be savoured. He writes about philosophers from Plato to his present day,Santayana, William James and John Dewey. He has a narrative that is filled with his wit and wisdom about...

The Fear of Barbarians

Tzvetvan Todorov takes on identity politics.  He is trying to come to terms with the West's treatment of Islam and Islamic countries. Needless to say, he finds America wanting. I felt that in trying to encourage tolerance of Islam he inadvertently showed a...

Moynihan’s Moment

Gil Troy, a Professor of History at McGill University has written a great book about America's fight against Zionism as Racism by taking us back to those moments when Daniel Patrick Moynihan stood up in the United Nations and told the assembly in no uncertain...

From Ambivalence to Betrayal

Robert S Wistrich writes about anti-Semitism. This book introduces the reader to Marx,  Engels, Moses Hess, Bernard Lazare Trotsky, Lenin, and leaders of today who find ways to implicate the Jewish people in all things immoral. it is an excellent review of the...

The Pagan Christ

Tom Harpur, a former Anglican priest and professor of Greek and New testament at the University of Toronto  wrote The Pagan Christ, Recovering the Lost Light. I think is purpose was to teach the importance of reading Scripture from the perspective of its manifest...

Dreams from My Father/The Audacity of Hope

I have a great respect for President Obama. I was in the United States when he was first elected. He is a thoughtful man of integrity. He is the Time’s Person of the Year. Perhaps he will bring about a change in the way Americans look at themselves as a result...