The stories my father never told me

  UPDATE July 1. Thank you to another reader for sharing information about my father’s shtetl: Your father’s shtetl is not Sassov (which was never part of (pre Soviet) “Russia” and was only shifted between...

Why are our leaders not racing to end the lock-down?

  Minneapolis, Minnesota: Cars line up at a drive-thru food pantry. Neil Blake/Grand Rapids Press/AP What is happening in the corridors of political power that our esteemed leaders are not racing to end this lock-down that has caused the economic and social...

Covid19/CHINESE VIRUS and the attack on freedom

I worry that the fear over the Covid19 CHINESE VIRUS pandemic, along with our innate fear of freedom, will lead to the drip, drip, drip fall of western culture and democracy as we know it. We must practice free-will or lose it. There is within us an innate desire to...