Feb 18, 2022 | News, Politics
“No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” 18th century philosopher Edmund Burke. Justin Trudeau is behaving like a fascist, while calling the truckers fascists. Fascism is not an ideology or political strategy...
Feb 11, 2022 | Ethics, Politics
Why was Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, not thrown out on his behind after he attacked Canadian citizens? His evil words were heard around the world: “Do we tolerate the unvaccinated?” What? He has given permission to those who are fearful of a virus...
Jan 23, 2021 | Ethics, Politics
Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Elliot and Margaret, is the most arrogant, entitled, corrupt, immoral and unethical politician in the history of Canada. He is a dictator in waiting, turning Canada into a Banana Republic. He makes Fidel Castro, a man he truly...
Nov 29, 2020 | Ethics, Religion / Spirituality
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau recently commented on the tragic murder of a French teacher, 47-year-old teacher Samuel Paty, who had used the caricatures of the Prophet Mohamed as a teaching tool during a classroom discussion of free speech. He was beheaded.That...