Apr 5, 2018 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
Egyptian Imam Omar Abd al-Kafi has accepted an invitation to come to Canada as the keynote speaker at the Niagara Family Muslim Conference April 14, 2018. Here is the resumé included in the announcement. “Omar AbdulKafi! Omar Abd al-Kafi...
Mar 24, 2018 | Ethics, Politics
Great Britain wants to punish Russia for using a dangerous nerve agent in their country. Good for them; standing up to a dangerous autocrat. But how do they plan to hurt Russia? Trade? Great idea. Sanctions!! Oops. Great Britain needs Russia the way a...
Mar 10, 2018 | Ethics, Politics
One would have to have been living in a cave since the beginning of time not to know that there is racism against blacks in America. “Racism refers to a variety of practices, beliefs, social relations, and phenomena that work to reproduce a...