Dhimmitude is “Killing Europe”

A French intellectual, Christian Moliner, recently suggested that France should establish a Muslim state-within-a-state that adheres to sharia law, inside the borders of France, to avoid a civil war.  It seems in Canada showing the documentary “Killing Europe,”  an...

Killing Europe

    It is a sad time in Canada. A library in Ottawa cancelled the presentation of the documentary called “Killing Europe.” It is produced by Michael Hansen who recently returned to Europe, after an absence of 15 years, to make his documentary about the...

Silence is collusion

I sent a piece to the National Post. Here was the comment: “Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we don’t see a place for it in the newspaper.” So I decided to ask why. I am curious. Why does a concern about the spread of hatred for Jews in this...

Letter to Facebook-spread the word

This post contains the letter I sent to Mark Zuckerberg and his board. We know we can make a difference. Rabbi Tarfon used to say, “It is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.” Take five minutes. I know this...

The de-globalization of Canada

  While the PM of Canada, Justin Trudeau, pushes globalization, free trade agreements and the need for the EU to stay together, Canada is being cannibalized. How does he square this circle? Remove the edges? We have 617 First Nation communities in Canada. Here...