How did Values become equated with Islamophobia?

What? Espousing Canadian or American values makes one Islamophobic?     How did that happen? I’ll tell you. Those of us who believe in the all-inclusive Judeo/Christian ethic have lost our tongues and courage under the onslaught of people like Jonathan Kay,...

Gagging on Islamophobic Motions

Can you imagine what would happen in our government-from local to federal-if there were Christian houses of worship across Canada calling for the murder of Jews? Now that you have imagined it, why are you not appalled by the lack of response from Mayor John Tory,...

Abortion-Torn limb from limb

Prime Minister Trudeau just announced that Canada will spend $650 million dollars to help fight anti-abortion laws in dozens of countries. This policy is far different from the one under Prime Minister Harper. And in Canada, Planned Parenthood Ottawa is receiving...

Muslim students insulted at Public Schools

Photo: CIJnews Muslim students insulted at Public Schools Posted by: Diane Weber Bederman January 7, 2017 Posted in cijnews 5       Since fall, 2016, Muslim students in the Peel Region have been sharing their dismay regarding their...

When it comes to Mental Health Care-MONEY TALKS

I have a mental illness. Lots of talk about mental health care. Partners for Mental Health, a great organization asked for donations to help in their “efforts to build a brighter tomorrow for Canadians with mental health problems and illnesses, as well as their...