Jun 22, 2022 | Politics, Religion / Spirituality
When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn? The number of Jewish families and young Jews who hide their Jewish symbols speaks to the massive failure of the plethora of Jewish organizations to fight Jew hatred and anti-Zionism. We have...
Jun 16, 2022 | Ethics, Politics
What is the status of the sanctity of life in the West in 2022? It stinks. From birth to death. Our culture is firmly rooted in the Judeo/Christian ethic that states, unequivocally, that ALL LIFE IS SACRED. All life. God tells us in the Bible: Deuteronomy...
Jun 8, 2022 | Ethics, Politics
Justin Trudeau is truly Canada’s Clown Prince. And like Princes of yore, he too has a Court Jester: Jagmeet Singh; the leader of the Federal New Democrat Party I have introduced you to Justin Trudeau many times. He is a sanctimonious, self-righteous,...
Jun 1, 2022 | News, Politics
Dear Jews, when it comes to Islam and the Jews, nothing ever changes. Remember the song: How sweet it is to be loved by you? Muslim version: How sweet it is to kill Jews: It is time for Israel to learn from our friends, the Sikhs, that being kind and nice, and “fair”...